Trip around the world

Coolest single tree in the world

If I asked you to draw a tree, you’d probably go one of two ways. Short trunk, triangle/cone up top, a la the Christmas tree. Or you’d go for the long trunk and a bushy crown, a la most deciduous trees. And my new single favorite tree (not to be confused with my favorite type of tree, the redwood, tall and mighty like me), the

Coolest single tree in the world2024-01-13T11:00:56+00:00

Bangkok: Exceeding expectations

Maybe it’s not quite accurate to say that Bangkok exceeded expectations because I’m not really sure that I had expectations to begin with. What I did have was a few comments from friends saying you only need a couple days, a wildly exaggerated depiction of the city from a couple of movies, and a completely erroneous idea that because it is a developing country and

Bangkok: Exceeding expectations2024-01-13T10:35:18+00:00

Sri Lanka: starting off with a bang

…or more like multiple bangs. The first many of which were my face, ribs, ass (anything but my feet basically) hitting my surf board, or for the sake of expediency, missing the board entirely and crashing straight into the waves. For 7 days, save a hangover pause for the surf camp crew on New Year’s Day (though I wasn’t actually hungover and went for a

Sri Lanka: starting off with a bang2024-01-08T15:27:59+00:00


So, as of Thursday, Dec 21st, I am on vacation. Until Nov 1st, 2024. Not bad, right? My sabbatical has now officially started. Before shutting down my laptop for the last time (upon which I immediately had a mini panic attack that I was essentially unreachable and probably left a bird’s nest full of loose ends behind), I was asked / advised by a friend

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