2000KM around Germany

Days 2 & 3: Good vibes & lessons learned

Day 2: the biking Started with good vibes, good legs, and no hurry. Figured I had a shorter day, as I was only planning on about 65 km. The route was similar to day 1 in that I was generally headed towards mountains. What‘s amazing about Germany is that there are so many off-street bike paths. Day 2 had a few, but also my first

Days 2 & 3: Good vibes & lessons learned2023-10-31T20:30:10+00:00

Day 1: all smiles heading out of Munich

Started in Munich I really don‘t know why I look so grumpy. Not the enthusiasm you’d expect from a “I’m just starting a month-long stretch where I do nothing but bike in beautiful places“ face. It was there though, I promise. I was giddy. I spent the first hour giggling my way out of Munich and into the Bavarian countryside. Which is quite nice, by

Day 1: all smiles heading out of Munich2023-10-31T20:30:11+00:00

Here we go!

Hard to believe I‘m sitting here in Munich, having spent the last 72 hours prepping for a trip that didn‘t work out and then finding a solution that would. What didn‘t work? Well, the original Eastern Europe plan, obviously. But as a workaround, I had rerouted myself to start with friends in Milan, go to one of their summer homes in the Italian riviera, and

Here we go!2023-10-31T20:30:12+00:00
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